Dale & Janet Bigham

A Note From Bro. Bigham
Janet and I are grateful for every opportunity to serve the Lord in this season of our lives. It would be our honor and intention to be a blessing where ever the Lord gives the opportunity. Any dates not accounted for on the schedule below are open for scheduling. I can be reached at (806) 433-4739 or ddb8705@yahoo.com.
About Us
Dale and Janet Bigham Married in 1971, the Lord blessed them with 3 children. In November of 1981, a young 29 year old Dale Bigham was called of the Lord to become pastor of a struggling Grace Baptist Church that had been in decline for several years. Dale and Janet brought their young family Jeremy, Holly and Janell here to become the pastor to his first and only pastorate. There was a small congregation of twenty some adults with buses that brought in many children. The church had some large older buildings that they had difficulty maintaining with their small numbers. The first Sunday Bro. Bigham came as pastor there were 12 adults in the only adult class that day. The church supported a small group of missionaries at a meager amount by today's standard. God has blessed this church through the ministry and leadership of Dale Bigham.
The Bighams continued in that calling as Sr. Pastor of Arden Road Baptist Church until 2015. There has been progress and growth in many areas over the past 30 years. Most importantly, there have been many souls saved, baptized, and added to the church. Attendance average in 1982 was 93 per Sunday. Today, the church averages over 500 per Sunday. There have been numerous people who have surrendered to full-time service, gone to Bible college, and entered into full-time ministry. Only the Lord knows the spiritual growth that has taken place over this time.
In September of 2015 they were led of the Lord to transition into retirement from the position of Sr. Pastor. Following the Lords leading, they desire to continue serving the Lord in a support type ministry as He gives opportunity. Upon His retirement, Arden Road Baptist gave him the title of Pastor Emeritus. In lay mans terms, that is given to one who has "earned his discharge". We support and pray the Lord will bless the Bighams in every future ministry endeavor.
In 2019 Bro Bigham was asked to help the Craig County Baptist church of Vinita Oklahoma. They were a willing and committed people in need of leadership and encouragement. We Pastored them for 2 years as the Lord blessed and in June of 2021 the Lord provided a young pastor who assumed the leadership and ministry of Craig County Baptist .
Bro. Bigham and Janet moved from Vinita Ok and made their home in Reeds Spring Missouri. As of July 1st, 2024 the Bighams are members of and operate their ministry under the authority of Faith Baptist Church in Spokane Missouri, pastored by Brandon Shull. As the years continue to accumulate we feel it wise to be more selective in the ministries we attempt . For that reason we feel compelled to restrict our preaching ministry to locally filling the pulpit as opposed to extended meetings requiring extended travel.
Our Schedule
Jan 2nd - 3rd Pampa Tx Wedding
Home recovering from surgery
March 2nd , White Drive Baptist Church, Batesville AR
March 4th Surgery and Home Recovering
March 30th, Berean Baptist Church , Springfield Mo.
May 4, Faith Baptist Church, Olathe KS, (Church Anniversary)
May 18th, Arden Road Baptist , Amarillo Tx. First Responders Sunday
May 25th Grand Daughters Graduation, Van Alstyne Tx.
May 25th Southside Baptist Church , Weatherford Tx.
June 1st-15th Family Obligation
June 29th & July 3rd Grace Baptist Pampa TX
Sept. 1-10th Family Travel and Wedding in Amarillo , Tx
October 19th Grace Baptist Church , Sperry OK.
Nov. 30th Bethany Baptist , Lubbock Tx
Dec. 14th, Temple Baptist El Dorado KS